Taking your ebike in for service is a natural part of the ownership experience.

Over the course of hundreds and thousands of Rad miles (and a whole lot of fun!), brake pads get thinner, chain lubricant washes away, and tire tread breaks down.

But while wear and tear is a guarantee, occasionally turning to a trusted professional can keep you riding Rad for years.

Just how often should you be heading in for maintenance? 

As a rule, we recommend a basic tune-up at least every six months or 750-1,250 miles, but keeping an eye on how, where, and when you ride can help you develop a more personalized routine.

If you're scheduling a basic diagnostic or tune-up at a reputable bike shop, you can expect services that will cover your brakes, derailleurs, chain, wheels, rims, hubs, spokes, and tires. Most providers will also offer overhauls, which generally include the same items as a tune-up, but will likely include replacing parts.

We'll look at what sort of service interval might be realistic for a range of riders, but remember that your results may vary with your riding and the environment.

As always, make sure you're following the pre-ride safety checklist in the most current edition of your manual.