As electric bikes get popular, they're always compared to motorcycles - both gas and electric motorcycles.

You may wonder: does it make sense buy an electric bike if I already have a motorcycle? In this article, we will compare and contrast electric bikes and motorcycles.

Follow closely.


A bicycle powered by an electric motor to help the rider out while pedaling is called an e-bike. Electric bikes have pedals that need human effort to work. It also has motor which makes it faster when riding. A rechargeable battery installed in the bike supplies energy for the motor. The fastest electric bike can travel up to 20 miles per hour.


A motorcycle is a type of motor vehicle that can have either two or three wheels, depending on its configuration. Motorcycles are mechanical and doesn't need human effort to work. Motorcycles come in various styles and designs to accommodate multiple uses, such as long-distance touring, daily commuting, leisurely cruising, competitive racing, and off-roading.

Are Ebike Motorcycles?

No. An electric bike may appear similar to a motorcycle, but there are huge differences between them.

Differences Between Ebike and Motorcycles

  • Unlike ebike,motorcycles require a driver's license. Even if you ride an electric adult motorcycle, you must show your rider’s license.
  • Motorcycles are expensive. The fastest ebike is a lot less expensive than a good motorcycle.
  • Motorcycles are not green enough; this is unlike ebike which are made with eco-friendly materials.
  • Motorcycles burn fuel, and the emission pollutes the environment. In sharp contrast, ebikeuse human energy.
  • Motorcycles are quite dangerous, unlike ebike which travel lesser distances.
  • Commuters love the convenience of electric bikes. They're convenient because itis easy to carry, quick to deploy, and immune to train delays.
  • Because of congestion and stoplights, the advantage of a motorcycle's higher top speed is not obtainable in the city. Unlike motorcycles, electric bikes can weave in and out of traffic more efficiently than cars can.
  • Electric bicycles require less upkeep than standard motorcycles. There is no need to change the oil or maintain a cooling system, and there are fewer moving parts overall.
  • Motorcycles have higher speed than electric cycle. Ebikes, even the most reputable ones, still can't keep up with the speed and power of motorcycles.
  • When not in use, electric bikes can be folded up and stored easily; this makes them convenient for daily commutes and errands. Motorcycles can't be so folded up and stored.


Similarities Between Ebike and Motorcycles      

  • Ebike models with throttle handles function like motorcycles, although there are slight differences in their speed limit.
  • Pedelecs (Ebike with pedal assistance) and motor bikes have similar steering, except that pedelecs require human strength.
  • The handlebar on motorcycles and ebikes are pretty much the same. In both, the handlebar helps with steering and gripping.


Why You Should Get an Ebike

In addition to being a lot of fun to ride, electric bikes have many practical benefits over motorcycles.

Contemporary electric bike motors and batteries are  highly effective and efficient. You can conveniently travel great distances while riding.

In many cases, you can get rid of your car and use an e-bike instead for your daily commute.


A high-quality e-bike is an excellent investment if you want to increase your cycling frequency, distance, and range. Riding e-bike is quite interesting if you enjoy the exercise that long-distance cycling offers or if you plan to ride only short distances.